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The Ministry of new Renewable Energy (MNRE) has decided that strict action will be taken against those solar project developers that are using imported solar cells modules to develop projects under the Domestic Content Requirement (DCR) category.Speaking to Mercom, MNREs senior...... [More]

Having seen an agreement reached between the investor insolvency administrator earlier this week, SolarWorlds creditors have today agreed to the purchase transfer of SolarWorlds assets to Frank Asbeck, the companys CEO.Confirmed to pv magazine by Birgit Niepmann, press secre...... [More]

Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) and dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSC) together form the third generation of photovoltaic devices. They both promise low-cost and flexible solar cells fabricated using roll-to-roll techniques. They both have target markets which significantly overla...... [More]

Sometimes its just a couple of cents that decide the success or failure of a technology. As long as solar power, for instance, is still more expensive than energy extracted from fossil fuels, photovoltaics will not be competitive on the broad open market. Power generation from...... [More]

About 40 percent of the solar energy reaching Earths surface lies in the near-infrared region of the spectrum energy that conventional silicon-based solar cells are unable to harness. But a new kind of all-carbon solar cell developed by MIT researchers could tap into that unu...... [More]

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SolarStar has been concentrated in the photovoltaic field since 2008, supplying the latest news, business information, bbs, material downloading, and industry analysis for the photovoltaic professionals.

It is a photovoltaic business interactive platform with 200,000 members covering all of the related fields. So it is the most influential and most well-known network in the photovoltaic in China.





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